Little is know about the House of Seven Secrets in the town of Stockton. I heard about this “House” from a co-worker about five years ago when I first started my collection of local stories. It was a strange story based solely in urban legend. The story goes that off the beaten path sits a house that contains seven very deadly secrets. It is not the secrets that one needs to worry about though since it is told that if you discover all seven that are in the house you would die. When I first heard this I knew that there was something strange, something of an urban legend about the whole story.
I never really heard a solid story of why the legend sprung up around the house but some of the secrets I did learn from people who had heard them from someone else. It was said that there was something in the bathroom mirror if you looked into it at the right time of day under the right conditions your reflection would not be seen. The table was sometimes set for four and even the fireplace would ignite when you exited the house. There was some hidden secret in the attic, a strange sound in the basement, numerous other things of conjecture. From an older co-worker about twenty years my senior I learned that even back in her day the story persisted. She had heard that long ago far back in the woods of the property that the house stood on that there was supposedly a coven of witches that presided. Thus the land was cursed because of black magic.
In my investigations I located the house with the help of someone who had been there previously. Inside I found bloody handprints on the wall, and scrawled in what looked like more blood were the words “Leave Us Alone.” By themselves there was nothing about these omens that made my think there was something supernatural afoot. The property sat back from the road and was surrounded by a heavily wooded area. Any of the stories could have been true. However, both times I went into the house I found no secrets. Perhaps it was because I had not entered when the conditions were right. Later I had gone back to find that the house had been burned to the ground. Usually when a structure meets its end through fire there is something left, some timber, some sort of sign that once a house rested on that very spot. Instead what was left was a clean spot where the house once stood. No debris of any sort was around and the only sign that there was ever anything there was that no grass grew where once a house dwelt.
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Reader Submission 5/29/2009
I would just like to tell you what I have heard about the house of seven secrets. Although I have never seen the house myself (I was never sure where it was), I have been told that at times the house will be burnt to the ground, but if you return to it later, it will be standing again. I know this seems too strange to be true, but so the story goes. Also sometimes you can see the house from the top of some nearby hill, but when you drive past it, the house is gone again.. I have heard stories about footprints in the snow that just stop with no trees overhead or any other explanation for where someone could have left them. Also something about a refrigerator fully stocked, or a rocking chair rocking on its own, and a telephone in the house that is not hooked up, but if you lift the receiver, a voice says over and over get out of the house. I also have heard everything that you had listed in your story as well. I was always interested in this story. I just thought I would pass on what I have heard in the past.
when you went in the front door was there a floor or boards to walk on with a big hole where the basment would be? when i was younger we went looking for it and found a house (we always went late at nite) and like the other comment opened the fridge to find milk and other things still good. we never thought we were in the rite house but it wasnt locked or anything and their was a phone there too i belive.
Andrea, I’ve been to that house years ago! I remember the boards to walk on. Was it a two story house? I remember the horrible smell and how stale the air was. But also we thought we were in the wrong house. It was on Coe Rd in Stockton though and everyone we talked to said that was the right house. I heard it burnt to the ground..but I’m not positive since I haven’t been there since 1997.
We to were in the two story house and took the supposed secret mirror….yes floor boards missing and clothes freshly pressed
I’ve heard many stories about the house. One of my personal experiences was in 1998. I went into the house with friends. Though nothing too odd happened during our time there it was very creepy and unsettling. I ended up taking a candle from the house. Soon after a psychic friend knew of the candle and told me to return it as soon as possible or something bad would happen. When I went to take it back I lost my nerve. I drove away and just down the road lost control and put my car in the ditch. Scared the crap out of me. I have been back since its been gone and it truly feels completely different now.
Nope I lived down the road on coe for about 7 years and spent a lot of time at and in the house nothin strange ever happened and yes it burned down and a crew removed the rubble and filled in the basement in. I also walked the property meny times and even hunted on the property its a joke…. But good hunting spot lol
The legend that I heard is there are 2 houses one 2 story and the other is a one story across and diagonal from each other. I have been in both. The 2 story had 2 parents 3 kids the oldest boy supposedly went crazy killed his family all in a different manner went across the street killed his grandparents. Then hung himself in front of the house because of 7 people all killed in different manner that is why it was 7 secrets. When in the house there was blood on walls they also had a care taker start watching because of so many kids breaking in.
I grew up in Dunkirk so we went there a lot as kids the only time I really really vividly remember something creepy happening was when we walked in at night my friends lighter blew up in his hand as soon as he lit it and he was bleeding everywhere and we ran out screaming and crying. That was enough for me that was the last time I went back I heard something about a brand new senses always being in the basement I definitely heard something about someone hanging from the tree at a certain time during the day, a lawn mower in the Attic that someone used to kill someone that’s all I can remember.