Bruce Gleason, Jim Neal, Todd Pitts, Trevor Pitts, Stacey Crosscut
Arrival: Checked equipment
Assigned equipment:
- Bruce Gleason- Movie camera and flashlight
- Jim Neal- ELF and Disposable camera (No Flash)
- Todd Pitts- Tape Recorder w/ external microphone
- Trevor Pitts- Clipboard, Map, Research plan (Data recorder) and flashlight
- Stacey Crosscut- Disposable camera (Flash) and flashlight
Path to Cemetery: Group walked fairly close together, nothing odd noted, No orbs streaks, sounds smells, nothing on ELF
Entrance of Cemetery: Upon entering cemetery, group moved toward the right front corner, group member noted that first stone looked to be of “Celtic Design” (Tr. Pitts). Began to walk along right hand side of cemetery toward Sarah’s Grave. Entire group heard loud crashing sound. Appeared to be limb falling rapidly but appeared to last for a longer than usual time before ceasing. Group continued on past Sarah’s grave noting other Stones and taking pictures. Walked from Sarah’s Grave towards stone cross in center rear corner of cemetery. Two of the group members heard what appeared to be footsteps outside of the cemetery fence. (Neal, To. Pitts). At same time, group member To Pitts stated to Group member Neal that he saw Green and Yellow streaks throughout the cemetery. Described them as being long lines that appeared to hook on the end. Group continued on toward the cross. Two of the members kissed the cross. (To. Pitts, Tr. Pitts) The other three did not. (Gleason, Neal, Crosscut) Moved toward the left rear corner of cemetery. Group Member Tr. Pitts walked into left rear corner and claimed to have an “eerie” feeling. Group moved toward that corner. All in group noted that temperature in that corner to be cooler than rest of cemetery. Group member Neal noted that ELF was blinking did not change colors only blinked yellow. Blinking was confirmed by all in group. Group member To. Pitts continued to see streaks. Group walked back down the right side of cemetery and continued past Stanley’s Grave. Moved toward front gate exited cemetery continued back to cars and nothing else noted by group at this time.
Back at Car after first pass: Group gathered back at cars, four members smoked cigarettes. Group discussed what they experienced in first pass and equipment was re-distributed.
Re-distributed equipment:
- Bruce Gleason- Digital Camera, infrared motion detector
- Todd Pitts- Cassette Recorder w/external microphone
- Trevor Pitts- Map, Clipboard, Research plan (data recorder) and Flashlight
- Stacey Crosscut- Disposable Camera (Flash) and 35mm W/ B&W Film
Group still remained close, traveled down path all noted temperature decrease.
Re-entrance of Cemetery: Upon re-entering cemetery, plan was discussed. Tr. Pitts would ask questions of the “spirits”, To. Pitts would record, and remaining in group would be silent and observe. In Lower right corner, Tr. Pitts began to ask various questions near Rose’s Grave. Nothing was noted. Group began to walk along right side toward Sarah’s Grave. Neal noted ELF blinking yellow as walking from Rose to Sarah. Arrived at Sarah’s Grave and Tr. Pitts began to ask various questions. Upon saying, “Show us a sign” group noted began to downpour. Very evident by rain hitting leaves in the forest surrounding entire cemetery. Tr. Pitts started to walk towards center of cemetery and stated that it was not raining within cemetery. Rest of group moved from Sarah’s Grave to center of cemetery, all noted lack of Precipitation but presence of “Raining sound outside of Cemetery. Group Moved toward Stanley’s Grave. (The Hunter) Tr. Pitts began series of questions again. During the questioning, Gleason Stated to Neal that he thought that he heard a rhythmic taping that appeared to be coming from the direction of Sarah’s grave. After the questioning Neal stated that he saw a green orb that looked like the “color of a lighting bug but was much larger in the right rear corner of the cemetery. To. Pitts stated that he too saw the green sphere. Only moments later all in the group heard a gunshot. Group noted the time of the gunshot as 12:00am. Gleason placed infrared motion sensor on top of Stanley’s grave facing the front of cemetery towards the gate. (Detector has range of thirty feet) Group began to move toward the rear of the cemetery in opposite direction of the detector. Group walked 20 to 30 paces and detector went off. All with flashlights illuminated area in which detector was facing. Nobody in group noted anything visible that could have set detector off. Group continued toward right rear corner. All noted temperature in that particular spot in cemetery lower than temperature in rest of cemetery. Crosscut stated she began to see streaks. Tr. and To. Pitts stated they thought the tree next to Stanley’s grave appeared to be glowing. Neal reported Elf Blinking again. Neal and Gleason moved away from corner others remained in corner to observe. Before leaving corner Neal Passed ELF to Tr. Pitts. Neal and Gleason stood 30ft away from group taking pictures and discussing experiment. The other three remained in the corner in a crouching position to see below a low tree branch. Shortly after Neal and Gleason left the group To. Pitts left the other two and approached Neal and Gleason stating that he had a “strange feeling of somebody leaning over him as he crouched down.” He stated that he “could feel the persons clothing brushing against his back.” Soon after the other two members left the corner and all five walked toward the cross. As he was walking in front of the cross toward the right hand side, Tr. Pitts (who now held the ELF) stated that it blinked from safe to caution. Group walked back toward Stanley’s grave to retrieve motion detector. All in group noted nothing within the range of detector had fallen from the tree that could have set it off previously. Group moved toward front gate and exited cemetery.
Walk From Cemetery back to cars: Original plan was to, half way through second pass of cemetery, group would exit rear of cemetery in search of an old foundation and burial ground that is rumored to sit behind cemetery. Group decided not to exit into the woods due to the earlier rain making for a slippery walk. Shortly after exiting cemetery Neal, To. Pitts and Tr, Pitts confided in each other that they believed that they were too disturbed by earlier occurrences to leave the cemetery and venture into the woods and the three were glad group decided not to.
Ride home: The group left the sight in two different vehicles. Neal and To. Pitts in the first and Gleason, Tr. Pitts and Crosscut in the second. Shortly after leaving Guernsey Hollow Rd. To. Pitts and Neal Reported seeing a Deer standing on the side of the road as if to be bidding the group goodbye.
Report Prepared by:
James Neal
I just got chills reading this! I have also been to Guernsey Hollow, me and my friends went when we were seniors and we definitely didn’t have has much equipment or a plan as drawn out as this but we had a couple digital cameras, a video camera, and our own beliefs in the paranormal. I have crazy pictures from that night and I also kissed the cross. It was an experience of a life time and I hope to go back there in the future with a plan more like this one. We also experienced the raining outside of the cemetery and not in the cemetery. After kissing the cross we were standing at the back right corner of the cemetery almost under that pine tree and I felt like someone was crushing in my chest and I couldn’t breathe. And at the same time I had what felt like needles going down my spine. It was crazy!
It was cool reading this and being able to re-live my own Guernsey experience!!
me, my sister shaina, candace, cheyenne, ashley, mike, and another morgan just got home from geurnsey like 20 minutes ago and we found a pile of bones large enough to be human bones in the left rear of the cemetery. (have photos) and heard multiple foot steps. we saw a medium sized deer on the way there and on the way back it was in reletively the same spot and just fallowed our cars with its head as we drove away. me, my sister, and morgan r. were in my sisters car, she just got brand new brakes less than 2 months ago and has had no problems with them at all and right before the big hill her brakes completely quit working. we honked numerous times to the others who were in front of us in candase’s car and they couldn’t hear us. shainas phone died, morgan had no service, and i had no calling, we had to pull the e-brake all the way back to stop, put the car in park and locked our doors. i sent candase a text saying please come back shaina’s brakes just quit and like ten minutes later they finaly came back and mike drove my sisters car down the hill with out brakes. it was sooo scary. cheyenne, ashley, and mike kissed the cross, me, shaina, candase and morgan didn’t. it was one of the scariest things ive ever experienced, yet i can’t wait to go back!
I’ve been there several times.
The first time was this past summer. We had a group of people and took two cars.
When we arrived we walked up and once we reached the gates the tempature noticeably dropped and the air felt heavy. It was early July so there wasn’t any reason why it would of been that could. We made our way to the cross being terrified and none of us would kiss it. We heard inhuman groans and sounds coming from the outer parts of the cemetary. But, they didn’t seem to be coming from outside. We soon went back to the car and returned a few minutes later. I don’t remember anything happening after that.
About 1-2 weeks later I went with less people and it was raining. There was dog the whole way there but as we turned and went down guernsey hollow road the dog seemed to disappear.
We then parked and started walking to the cemetary. The group was much calmer this time around but still frightened. Once we entered the air felt heavy and cold as it did before. We saw orbs and heard noises as before but just started to think it was animals in the woods. I began trying to talk to whatever might inhabit the cemetary. Saying hello, would anyone like to talk to us tonight. We didn’t hear that much since it was raining so hard. I began to ask about Sarah, we got no response but some noises that spooked us. It was raining hard so we left. As we where walking past the gate I said goodbye Sarah and kept walking. We were past the gate and walked about 10 feet down the path and lightning striked within 10 feet of us. We all fell to the ground and instantly got up and sprinted to the car. There wasn’t any lightning before that and it was so close to us. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not but it was truly horrifying.